One of my goals for 2017 is to become an expert in the new graphics API from Apple known as Metal. Thus I started learning Metal and thought it would be nice to share with you what I have learned.
Prerequesite: Before using Metal: Computer Graphics Basics
Objects in Metal
Unlike OpenGL, Metal treats most rendering components as Objects. For example, Metal creates a rendering pipeline as a Pipeline object. The shaders, known as functions in Metal, are encapsulated in Library objects. Vertex data is encapsulated in Buffer objects.
Metal requires a set of objects to be created before rendering can occur. The primary objects in Metal are:
- Device Object
- Command Queue Object
- Library/Function Objects
- Pipeline Objects
- Buffer Objects
- Render Pass Descriptor Object
- Command Buffer Object
- Render Command Encoder Object
Metal Rendering Process
The Metal Rendering Process consists of the initialization of these objects, which are created once and last for the lifetime of the application:
- Device Object
- Command Queue Object
- Library/Function Objects
- Pipeline Objects
- Buffer Objects
And the creation of these objects during each render pass:
- Render Pass Descriptor Object
- Command Buffer Object
- Render Command Encoder Object
The Metal rendering process consists of the following steps:
Iniatilizing Objects
- Create a device object, i.e. a GPU
- Create a Command Queue object
- Create a CAEMetalLayer
- Create a Library object
- Create a Pipeline object
- Create buffer objects
- Retrieve the next drawable layer
- Create a Render Pass Descriptor object
- Create a Command Buffer object
- Create a Render Command Encoder object
- Present the drawable
- Commit the Command Buffer
Initializing Metal Objects
Create a Metal Device
The Metal rendering process starts with the creation of an MTLDevice object. An MTLDevice represents an abstraction of the GPU. A device object is used to create other kinds of objects such as buffers, textures and function libraries.
Create a Command Queue Object
An MTLCommandQueue object is created from an MTLDevice. The Command Queue object provides a way to submit commands/instructions to the GPU.
Create a CAMetalLayer
Next, we must provide a destination texture for the rendering pipeline.
The destination of a rendering pipeline is a Framebuffer. A framebuffer contains several attachments such as Color, Depth, and Stencil attachments. However, a framebuffer can display the rendering content to a screen ONLY if a texture has been attached to a framebuffer attachment. The CAMetalLayer object provides a texture that is used as a rendering destination.
Create a Library and Function Objects
Next, we must create the Vertex and Fragment functions (Shaders) that will be used by the rendering pipeline. The Vertex and Fragment are MTLFunction objects and are created through an MTLLibrary object.
Create a Rendering Pipeline Object
Now is time to create the rendering pipeline object.
An MTLRenderPipelineState object represents a rendering pipeline. However, unlike other objects, you do not directly create a pipeline object. Instead, you create it indirectly through an object called Rendering Pipeline Descriptor.
The MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor describes the attribute of a render pipeline states. For example, it defines the Vertex and Fragment functions used by the pipeline. As well as the color attachment properties.
Create Buffer Objects
The next step is to load MTLBuffers objects with vertex data. i.e., vertices, normals, UV, etc.
The interaction between these objects is illustrated below:
Metal Render-Pass
Whereas, objects mentioned in "Initializing Metal Objects" are created once and last for the lifetime of your application, objects created during the render pass are often created and short-lived.
The steps in the rendering-pass stage are as follow:
Retrieve the next drawable layer
As mentioned above, a framebuffer requires a texture before it can display the rendering results to the screen. Thus, you must ask the CAMetalLayer object for the next available texture.
Create a Render Pass Descriptor object
Next, we must describe the various actions that must occur before and after the render pass. For example, you may want to clear the rendering texture to a particular color.
These actions are described through the MTLRenderPassDescriptor object. Moreover, The MTLRenderPassDescriptor object links the texture provided by the CAMetalLayer as the pipeline destination texture.
Create a Command Buffer object & Encoder object
We then create an MTLCommandBuffer object. An MTLCommandBuffer object stores drawing commands and rendering pipeline states until the buffer is committed for execution by the GPU.
However, these drawing commands and rendering pipeline states must be encoded by an MTLRenderCommandEncoder object before they are stored into the MTLCommandBuffer object. Essentially, the MTLRenderCommandEncoder translates the commands into a format the GPU can understand.
Present the drawable layer
I mentioned previously that the CAMetalLayer provided a texture that serves as the rendering destination. With our commands encoded, we must inform the command buffer that it must present this texture to the screen once rendering is complete.
Commit the Command Buffer
Finally, the Command Buffer is committed, and loaded into the Command Queue; where it waits to be executed by the GPU.
The render pass routine is illustrated below:
In summary, the Metal rendering process can be summarized in these steps:
- Create a device object, i.e. a GPU
- Create a Command Queue object
- Create a CAEMetalLayer
- Create a Library object
- Create a Pipeline object
- Create buffer objects
- Retrieve the next drawable layer
- Create a Render Pass Descriptor object
- Create a Command Buffer object
- Create a Render Command Encoder object
- Present the drawable
- Commit the Command Buffer
Your First Metal Application
Let's create a simple Metal application. We are going to render a simple red rectangle on the screen.
For your convenience, the project can be found here.
Download the project so you can follow along.
Note: The project is found in the "MetalBasics" git branch. The link should take you directly to that branch.
Open Xcode and create a new project. Select "Single View Application" as the template and give your project a name. Select "Objective-C" as the language.
Include the following Frameworks into your project through the "Build Phases" tab:
- Metal
- UIKit
- QuartzCore
In the "ViewController.h" file, make sure to import the following headers:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Metal/Metal.h>
#import <QuartzCore/CAMetalLayer.h>
#import <GLKit/GLKMath.h>
You are going to initialize Metal in the viewDidLoad method. We are going to follow the 12 Metal Rendering steps outlined above.
Step 1. Create a metal device:
Step 2. Create a command queue object
mtlCommandQueue=[mtlDevice newCommandQueue];
Step 3. Create a CAMetal Layer
metalLayer=[CAMetalLayer layer];
[self.view.layer addSublayer:metalLayer];
Step 4. Create a library object and function objects
//create a library object
id<MTLLibrary> mtlLibrary=[mtlDevice newDefaultLibrary];
//create a vertex and fragment function object
id<MTLFunction> vertexProgram=[mtlLibrary newFunctionWithName:@"vertexShader"];
id<MTLFunction> fragmentProgram=[mtlLibrary newFunctionWithName:@"fragmentShader"];
Step 5. Build the Rendering Pipeline
//build a Render Pipeline Descriptor Object
mtlRenderPipelineDescriptor=[[MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor alloc] init];
//assign the vertex and fragment functions to the descriptor
[mtlRenderPipelineDescriptor setVertexFunction:vertexProgram];
[mtlRenderPipelineDescriptor setFragmentFunction:fragmentProgram];
//specify the target-texture pixel format
//Build the Rendering Pipeline Object
renderPipelineState=[mtlDevice newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor:mtlRenderPipelineDescriptor error:nil];
Step 6. Create Buffer objects and load data into it
We will be using these set of data as the vertices of our rectangle
static float quadVertexData[] =
0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0,
-0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0,
-0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0,
0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0,
0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0,
-0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0
The vertices are loaded into the buffer object:
//load the data QuadVertexData into the buffer
vertexBuffer=[mtlDevice newBufferWithBytes:quadVertexData length:sizeof(quadVertexData) options:MTLResourceOptionCPUCacheModeDefault];
At this point, the initialization of the Metal objects is complete. We need to create sort of a timer that constantly calls a render-pass function. The best way to do this is through a CADisplayLink object.
//Set the display link object to call the renderscene method continuously
displayLink=[CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(renderScene)];
[displayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
The system will call the method "renderScene" repeatedly once it is ready for rendering.
Create a method called "renderScene" and include the following:
Step 7. Get the next drawable texture
frameDrawable=[metalLayer nextDrawable];
Step 8. Create a Render Pass object
//create a render pass descriptor
MTLRenderPassDescriptor *mtlRenderPassDescriptor =[MTLRenderPassDescriptor renderPassDescriptor];
//set the target texture for the rendering pipeline
//set the following states for the pipeline. i.e., clear the texture before each render pass
mtlRenderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].clearColor=MTLClearColorMake(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
Step 9. Create a Command Buffer
id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCommandBuffer=[mtlCommandQueue commandBuffer];
Step 10. Create a Command Encoder object
//creat a command encoder
id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder> renderEncoder=[mtlCommandBuffer renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:mtlRenderPassDescriptor];
//Configure enconder with the pipeline
[renderEncoder setRenderPipelineState:renderPipelineState];
//set the vertex buffer object and the index for the data
[renderEncoder setVertexBuffer:vertexBuffer offset:0 atIndex:0];
//Set the draw command
[renderEncoder drawPrimitives:MTLPrimitiveTypeTriangle vertexStart:0 vertexCount:6];
//End encoding
[renderEncoder endEncoding];
Step 11. Present the drawable
[mtlCommandBuffer presentDrawable:frameDrawable];
Step 12. Commit the buffer
[mtlCommandBuffer commit];
The Metal API initialization and render-pass operations are complete. However, we need to set up our function shaders.
Setting up the Function Shaders
Go to File->New and create a new file. Select a "Metal File" and call it "MyShader."
I will not go into details how shaders work but know this: A Vertex shader processes incoming geometrical data. A Fragment shader sets the color of the outgoing fragment.
In step 4, we created two function objects with the names "vertexShader" and "fragmentShader." We need to create two function shaders with the same names in the "MyShader" file.
//Vertex Function (Shader)
vertex float4 vertexShader(device float4 *vertices [[buffer(0)]], uint vid [[vertex_id]]){
return vertices[vid];
//Fragment Function (Shader)
fragment float4 fragmentShader(float4 in [[stage_in]]){
//set color fragment to red
return float4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
The vertex function shader receives vertex data through the argument "vertices [[buffer(0)]]".
If you look at step 10, you told the render encoder to use information in the vertexBuffer (which holds your rectangle vertices) and link it to the buffer at index 0. The Vertex function shader receives these information a vertex at a time.
Fragment function shader sets the color of the fragment to red.
And that is it. If you have an iPhone or an iPad, connect it to your Mac and run the project. You should see a red rectangle on the screen. Note, the iOS simulator does not support Metal yet.
The complete project can be found on my GitHub page.