Hi, my name is Harold. I develop 3D game engines.

In 2013, I decided to do something beyond my intellectual abilities. Something that would require determination and commitment, something that would shake me from within. Thus, I decided to develop a Game Engine from scratch.

On July 21, 2016, after three years of hard work, I was able to complete the basic framework of the engine. It took an additional two years to develop a working, fully functional 3D game engine that could be used by the public.

Then on July 28, 2018, I released the game engine to the public and named the engine Untold Engine.

Developing a game engine from scratch has been a fantastic experience. Not only did it improve my coding skills, but it taught me the meaning of perseverance and consistency. I'm very proud of what I accomplished and for not giving up.

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Want to develop your own Game Engine?

If you are curious to know how to develop a Game Engine or how to become an Indie Game Engine Developer, then watch the two videos below:

You are also more than welcome to:

  1. How does a Game Engine work? An Overview
  2. How does a Rendering Engine work? An Overview
  3. How does a Physics Engine work? An Overview
  4. How to become a Game Engine Developer
  5. Books to read to develop a Game Engine