Crafting a Game Engine with User Experience in mind
I wouldn't recommend my game engine to anyone. Not that it doesn't work. It does. The major flaw of my engine is that it was not developed with the end-user in mind. It was developed with my curiosity in mind.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm pivoting and developing a new engine. Its a complete rewrite with all decisions revolving about the user-experience instead of my own.
With this new rewrite, I'm spending considerably more time thinking about the editor, its functionality and features than I ever did in the past. I'm spending more time making the controls and camera user-friendlier. I'm spending more time thinking how to make the experience of the user more enjoyable. With all honesty, I have yet to dwelve into low-level graphics stuffs; I'm dying to do so, but this time, I know better. Is all about the user, not about me. To put it simply, I've been thinking more about how to minimize the pain points of my target audience than doing hardcore coding.
I'm enjoying this new approach. Is forcing me to view things from another perspective. I made several bad decisions with my game engine, and thus I won't recommend anyone to use it. However, those decisions brought me to the place where I am now. It opened my eyes to where I should go next. And my next move is to make a game engine not for me but for you.
Thanks for reading.