Noise in Computer Graphics- A brief introduction

Noise in Computer Graphics- A brief introduction

Using a Noise Function in shaders can produce quite interesting visual effects. For example, you can simulate clouds, fire, wood, etc. In this post I will give you a brief introduction to Noise and give you an example of using noise with shaders.

What are Tessellation Shaders in OpenGL?

What are Tessellation Shaders in OpenGL?

The new OpenGL 4.0 supports Tessellation Shaders. Tessellation Shaders sole purpose is to interpolate geometry to create additional geometry that can perform adaptive subdivision based on criteria such as size or curvatures.

What are Binding Points in OpenGL?

What are Binding Points in OpenGL?

A Binding Point specifies the behavior of the OpenGL object. Binding Points, also known as Targets, allows OpenGL objects to be used for different purposes. 

What are Vertex Array bindings in OpenGL?

What are Vertex Array bindings in OpenGL?

A VAO is a container that stores all the states needed for rendering. It stores the information of vertex-attribute as well as the buffer object.

What is the OpenGL Rendering Pipeline?

What is the OpenGL Rendering Pipeline?

Learn how the OpenGL rendering pipeline starts, how many stages there are and what is the responsibility of each stage.