Quitting on your Game Engine?

Game Engine Development is not easy. Trust me, I know how hard it is to develop a game engine. I've been there and I have been to the point of quitting many, many times. And in this video, I want to share a small but effective tip on how to keep motivated throughout the development of your engine.


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How to make a soccer video game with your game engine-Part I

Hey guys,

In this video, I share with you part 1 of how to create a soccer video game with your game engine.


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Metal API Tutorial- Make a FIFA shader effect

In this Metal API Tutorial, I share how to create FIFA graphics effects using shaders. In particular, I show you how to implement the "Out of bounds" effect.


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Metal API Tutorial - Make a Radar shader effect for your game

In this Metal API Tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a Radar Shader effect that you can integrate into your game.


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Untold Engine Beta v0.0.14- Release Notes

In this beta release, I implemented several features to the Untold Engine. The engine now supports a Scene Manager and Layer entities. I also implemented a Shader Entity, which allows developers to write their own HUD shaders. Group AI Steering Behaviors were also added to the engine, such as Separation, Cohesion, Alignment, and Flocking behaviors. I also fixed an issue with the Normal Maps.


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