How to Render Text using OpenGL ES

How to Render Text using OpenGL ES

Rendering text in OpenGL is not as intuitive as you may think. There are some tricks which you have to apply. Learn how to render Text in mobile devices using OpenGL ES.

How to add a joystick to your mobile game using OpenGL ES

How to add a joystick to your mobile game using OpenGL ES

Learn how to add a joystick element to your mobile game. Learn how to create the movement illusion of a joystick and how a joystick can be constructed from a stationary image and a movable image.

How to add multi-image button to a game using OpenGL ES

How to add multi-image button to a game using OpenGL ES

Learn how to change the appearance of a button when pressed. Learn how to load multiple image-textures in OpenGL ES and how to activate different textures when a button is pressed.

How to add realism to a game character using OpenGL ES

How to add realism to a game character using OpenGL ES

Learn how to add realism to a 3D model by using Normal Mapping techniques. Learn how to calculate the tangent and bitagent vectors necessary to create a Normal Map space.

How to apply a Skybox to a game using OpenGL ES

How to apply a Skybox to a game using OpenGL ES

A skybox is a panoramic view representing a scenery. It can add realism to your game at a low performance cost. Learn what a skybox is, how it works and how to implement it using OpenGL ES.