I was able to complete this game in a short amount of time because I already had experience developing soccer games in the past. I knew what I had to implement and how to do it. All this knowledge came from my desire to build a soccer game when the Untold Engine was in its infancy. At that time, I failed but I learned a lot about developing a soccer game.
Moreover, I decided to take a different approach in game development; instead of releasing a full-blown game with several levels and complex game mechanics, I decided to take a play from the Hyper-Casual game's playbook.
Hyper-Casual Game Studios develop games with one level, simple mechanics, and short gameplay. This strategy allows them to fail and learn fast. This strategy is what I need if I'm going to make a robust game engine. I need a way to fail and learn from my engineering mistakes as fast as I can.
Aside from implementing the game, I also had to learn about Indie Game Marketing, spent most nights watching Youtube videos from successful game developers, learned a bit about App Store Optimization, and contacted several artists on Fivver.
I have to say that this time I was kind of lucky to find talented artists on Fivver. Most of the time, you find people who have no talent at all. I found a 3D artist that creates amazing voxel 3D characters, contacted him and he was able to design my soccer player characters, along with the animations. I was very pleased with the work that I decided to hire him to do more animations and soccer kits.